Saturday, March 27, 2010

Origins and Makeup

Ok so now that i have my concept i am going for the actual picture.... A dark brutal fantasy world, with odd sci-fi elements. I start to plot out firstly where did this world come from? Who created it? What is the cosmology (not looks mind you). Well i have kind of already stated this on my previous blog but i would kind of like to revise it again so here we go....

(epic music, camera scrolls through stars, and words scroll down screen)

To discuss the origins of Vulkara one does not need to discuss where the planet came from. Just like any world it was created through whatever theoretical means that have been discussed many times. The true beginnings of Vulkara started with the old ones. Beings from a far off universe, they where a race who had become totally dependent on technology and eventually became slaves to it (ala dune, terminator, matrix, etc.) after many years they finally freed themselves from shackles and it was decreed that the mind was stronger then any technological advancement known. So though technology was still a prominent part of their lives they discovered that with their minds they could do anything perceivable and actually bend the fabric of reality itself. This power was so great it drove some of them mad and destroyed their home planet. Those that survived migrated across the universe searching for a new homeworld, a paradise in which in their master plan they would become gods. Along their traverses they encountered many worlds and many creatures taking with them different species of plants, and other creatures until they somehow managed upon the planet known in the current age as Vulkara. Vulkara was a absolute paradise plane with fertile planes, soft breeze, and constant temperatures at all times. The Old ones settled the world making it their home and freeing the creatures they found throughout their travels letting them multiply and roam the planet. The more intelligent ones they intermingled with hoping that they could save their own species and created many of the common breeds in the current age. They sold themselves as gods and through their powers ruled the planet at first kindly but as the years passed they forgot the lessons of the past and started to abuse god hood as they once did technological marvels treating the peoples cruelly. Soon there was a mass rebellion as many of the species rose up they learned that they where one and the same and overthrew the very gods. The old ones where driven off to exile and faded into time. Where they actually went no one really knows some say that they went back to the heavens, some say the created a new empire in a dark land of vulkara, and some say they where just out bred.

Soon a new empire flourished under a new regime. This new beginning is known as the age of reason when the mighty empire of the peoples of Vex-Er ruled the world. They learned the secrets of the old ones passed down from the trusted wizards and knowledge, peace, and serenity ruled the land for 2,000 years. Even though this was known as an era of peace many great conflicts ensued to keep the lands in check but like any great empire it toppled into chaos. The secrets now known as magic are the real causes of the decline of the Vex-Er. The mighty wizards bent the powers to their will not heading the warnings of their teachers that with this power comes a price. Magic in Vulkara should thus then be explained, it is a scientific power not a purely mystical one though it is seen as one in the current society. It is the power to warp reality to ones will trough the mind and through this power almost anything is possible but if reality is warped too much it will try to right itself again lashing back at the wielder. After many years the great wizards became the rulers of the land and like the old ones some where driven mad by the power and bent on chaos and destruction. A great conflict ensued between the wizards of order and chaos and in the end none prevailed instead they tore apart existence, changing the world sending it into an alternate plain , and scaring the land from a fertile paradise to a wasteland of torments and horror.

This is the current age the age of ruins the world of Vulkara and it's populace have risen through the ashes but life hangs on a thread. Societies are isolated by dimensional rifts that torment the wastes, strange beings haunt the ancient ruins of that once great empire, and no one can escape the torment not even the dead who are said to drift into the other world only to be spit back out again as other beings or undead who feast off the souls of the living.

This is the age of ruins, this is a time of adventures, this is Vulkara!

(i would like to think the guy over at the weird worlds of quantique for introducing me to phillip druillet whom i have absolutely fallen in love with this guys work!)

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